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How can I stop supporting a drug addict?

This scenario sounds familiar? A loved one is suffering from drug addiction. This person has been in your thoughts and prayers many times. You have loaned money, offered your couch as a refuge, and begged for change. You might have…

Rehab can save your career and life.

It’s a double life. You work, and you have a family. The other side of the coin is darker. To get through the day, you may drink or use drugs. To get through the day, you might even try to…

Life After Lakeview

Lakeview Health was able to offer me a shorter stay than recommended. I wasn’t hesitant to take it, but I was afraid my family would find out how horrible I was. I felt that I had to control the narrative…

Hacking Accounts

These are the steps to regain control of your account if it has been compromised or hacked. What are some signs that my online account has been compromised? It is critical to act quickly when hackers strike. You must determine…

Reporting Cybercrime

Reporting cybercrime is the first step toward bringing cybercriminals to justice. You can eliminate cybercrime by simply clicking a button in your web browser or sending an email to IT. Cybercrime is a complex crime that can be difficult to…